Lingering snow and ice on rooftops and gutters can be the cause of roof damage and repair during the winter months. Snow melt combined with freezing temperatures can create ice dams in your gutters, leading to leaks, collapses, mold, ruined insulation and other hazardous issues like icicles around your home.
While more than half of all roofing related damage in Colorado can be attributed to Old Man Winter, rest assured most Denver Roofing repairs and can easily be prevented by simple winter roof maintenance.
Here are some helpful tips from Arvada Roofing & Construction:
- Ensure that your attic is cool and has a two inch air space between insulation for optimal air circulation. Remove snow from your roof to prevent ice damming by using a roof rake while safely standing on the ground.
- A good temporary solution is to install heat tape (also known as heat wire) above the eaves for your roof and along the roof surface. This heats the snowmelt and allows it to runoff without freezing.
- If the eaves of your roof are already iced over and an ice dam formed causing a leak, try blowing cold air into your attic and aiming it to the underside of your roof. This will freeze the leak in its tracks.
If you notice any signs of weather damage to your roof such as: Icicles, mold, ceiling stains or even buckling shingles, report it to the experts at Arvada Roofing & Construction, we are happy to help with all of your Denver roof repair and maintenance needs.