
Immediate Steps to Take After a Hailstorm: Protecting Your Denver Property

Hailstorms are common place in Denver during the spring and summer. In May 2024, Denver was hit with a massive hailstorm that caused significant damage to buildings and cars and injured people caught in the storm. While large hailstorms aren’t everyday occurrences, even ordinary hailstorms can cause serious damage to roofs and the outside of your home. 

This post will explore the immediate steps to take after a hailstorm to protect your Denver property from further damage. 

Check for Damage When It Is Safe To Do So

The last thing you want to do is assume that your home has withstood a hailstorm without any damage. Hail can crack and damage shingles, guttering, and siding, leading to water damage and allowing warm air to escape through the roof. Any damage that isn’t easy to see may result in a buildup of rot, mold, and mildew, which can cause a lot of damage and expensive repair bills if left unchecked. 

When it is safe to do so, you will want to check your property for any signs of roof damage or potential hazards, such as:

  • Gas leaks
  • Electrical issues
  • Severe structural issues
  • Debris, such as fallen tree branches or broken glass
  • Damage to the roof, gutters, downspouts, windows, doors, and siding

Take the time to walk around your property and document any damage that you notice. Take photos, as your insurance company will want these to process any claims.

Remove Potential Hazards

If you notice any potential hazards, such as fallen tree branches or broken glass, remove them from the area as quickly as possible to avoid further damage. If you notice any tree branches or other debris on your roof, contact a roofing contractor immediately to arrange the safe removal. 

Prevent Further Damage

In the case of severe hailstorms, you may notice visible signs of damage to the roof. While this might not cause an immediate leak, it can cause structural damage and shorten the lifespan of your roof. Therefore, you’ll want to cover any damaged areas with a tarp and carry out temporary repairs to windows and doors to prevent further damage from occurring. 

When processing your claim, your insurance company will want to see that you have taken the necessary precautions to prevent further damage. It is best to call a professional roofing contractor to carry out these emergency repairs safely.

Get in Touch with Your Insurance Company

Once you have assessed the damage and ensured that your property is adequately protected from water leaks, you must contact your insurance company to start the claims process. Make a detailed list of the parts of your property that were damaged by the hailstorm, and make sure you have photos as evidence. This will speed up the claims process. 

Partner with a Professional Roofing Contractor

A professional roofing contractor can support you throughout the whole process to ensure that your house is protected immediately after the storm and that repairs are carried out quickly. Here at Arvada Roofing and Construction, we work alongside all the major insurance carriers and can assist you in documenting the damage and agreeing on the scope of the repairs with your loss adjuster.  

Call us today at (720) 507-0134 for a free roofing repair or replacement estimate.

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